

Welcome to Bumblemom. As my name suggestions, I’m bumbling along as best I can as I navigate a new culture, kids, and style.

Vlog #10 Grocery Shopping

Vlog #10 Grocery Shopping

Come shopping with me during a level 4 lockdown in Auckland! There are some differences in lockdown, and I’m really curious to know if this was what it was like shopping in other parts of the world at any point during the pandemic. Please let me know your experience!

One small note… since filming this, cases have gone up. On Saturday we had 23 cases, followed by 20 on Sunday, and 33 on Monday. On Monday afternoon, it was announced that Auckland will be staying in level 4 for another week, so my optimism when filming this video was a little too soon.

Grocery Haul #16

Grocery Haul #16

Still in Level 4

Still in Level 4