

Welcome to Bumblemom. As my name suggestions, I’m bumbling along as best I can as I navigate a new culture, kids, and style.

Five Years in New Zealand

Five Years in New Zealand

Hello there! I’ve been MIA for awhile. Thank you for the notes and messages, and to answer the one big question: yes, I’m okay. Everything is okay. In fact, things are so okay that I haven’t been inspired to write much. When I started this blog, I needed an outlet to process the huge shift in life from Austin to Auckland. Five years (!!!!) beyond the move, I realize that my life now feels mundane. Not in a bad way - more in a “I’ve found a groove” way that is predictable, comfortable, and not as anxiety producing as things were when I showed up in June of 2018 with two little kids and a few suitcases expecting to stay for ninety days before heading home.

Now home feels more like New Zealand than the US. I’ve got people in my village here; friends to meet for coffee and vino; neighbours that play with my kids; and I know where to get a ironing board from without paying $300. I feel settled, and my moving experience feels life a lifetime ago. I’m not sure how much the immigration experience has changed since we went through it. Covid certainly changed things and I can’t speak to the experience of moving in a post-covid world. As a result, I’m not entirely sure what direction this blog is going to take. So all I can say to those of you thinking about moving or who have just made the move: the process of settling takes years. And sometimes there are painfully hard moments., but right now I’m sitting back and enjoying the ride… and bumbling along.



Covid - 3 Years Later

Covid - 3 Years Later